Tentang Kami
Tentang Kami
如有任何查詢或大量批發購買,可WhatsApp 92116686 咨詢。
滿300元以上(扣除折扣後)包郵-免費送住宅或工商地址(偏遠地區除外)或順豐站自取 或順便智能櫃自取。
Our company established in 2013. Customers can purchase quality brand products with a reasonable price via online shopping.
Product Quality & Reasonable Price- Through bulk purchase, as much as to reduce costs and packaging. In this way, we can offer at a relatively low price and high quality brand products to our customers.
You shall appreciate the quality and value of the products you find at Sunto. That’s our promise to you.
For purchase over HKD 300 (after discount) , you will enjoy a free shipment to commercial or residential address or you can choose to pick up your purchase at SF locker or store of SF Express.
Please feel free to contact us by WhatsApp 852-92116686 for any enquire.